Year 3 Class Page

Thursday 4th July - Election Day 
Lesson 1 - Maths 
Today, I would like you to do some revision on telling the time. Please follow the link and work through the lesson on telling the time to the nearest minute. I have also included the link for the interactive clock if you would prefer to instead practise quarter past, half past, quarter to and telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes.
Lesson 2 - Literacy
We have been working through our Power of Reading text Ug - Boy Genius of the Stone Age. Today, please complete a Book Talk for the story. We have completed these a number of times throughout Year 3 so you will know what to do! I have included a template of the Book Talk so that you can remember the different categories. 
Lesson 3 - History 
Please work through the lesson all about Stone Age artefacts.
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Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page
To contact Miss Brown, please email or phone 0151 648 3412.
Please inform school immediately if you do not have online access.
School Information Pack
Please download the school information pack below.
Reading & Spelling Resources
Curriculum Links and Resources
This Week's Timetable
Please download below a copy of this week's timetable which details the objectives for every lesson.

This week's Homework tasks are as follows:


Please ensure that books are returned by Monday and no later than Tuesday. If your child does not finish reading their book over the weekend, there will be an opportunity to complete it in school during the following week.  




Reading - Reading books will be sent home on a Thursday. You can download from this page a recommended reading list for Year 3 pupils. These books are widely available from most book sellers.  Your child can also use 'Serial Mash', the online reading library within Purple Mash.


Maths - This weekend, please have a go at some times table practise. We will be working on some times tables next week. You can follow the link to the Top Marks website and play some of the games.


Miss Brown. 



Downloadable Resources & Activities
The Archbishop of York Youth Trust's Young Leaders' Award
Classroom Learning
Global Community Project: Sponsored Obstacle Challenge
Raising money for Christian Aid
Local Community Project: Random Acts of Kindness in Irby Village
Staff Preparation Area:
These are resources that we are preparing for pupils. Please do not access or download these items as they are subject to change. They will be moved into the timetable at the appropriate time. Thank you for your understanding.