Friends of Dawpool (FoDS) PTA
Friends of Dawpool (FoDS) PTA
Welcome to all the Friends of Dawpool School (FoDS)
FoDS is a charity formed of parents and teachers at the school, who together, organise events for the children, families, and the local community surrounding Dawpool Primary School, to raise much needed funds to improve and enhance the children’s learning journey. The events help fund playground equipment, IT equipment, learning aides, school trips and much more. At the moment we are fund raising to improve the outdoor area at the school to encompass different types of play for all ages from Foundation 1 to Year 6.
The Friends of Dawpool School charity originated over 20 years ago as a way of co-ordinating the responsibility for fundraising and continues to strive, wherever possible, to create fun ways to enhance the School environment for our children, now and in the future years.
Anyone is welcome to join FoDS, at any level – whether it be as a full committee member, or occasionally helping at events.
We encourage all parents to join the FoDS WhatsApp Group to enable us to keep you all updated with events and to get advice, help and much needed support for the charity from a wide variety of sources.
Please speak with your class rep or a committee member for more information.
Please feel free to contact us on
Any support you are able to give, big or small, would be much appreciated.
Meet the FoDS Team
Samantha Proctor (Chair)
Lucy Byrom and Kirsty Bennett (Co-Vice Chair)
Mark Gardner and Claire Grant ( Co-Treasurer)
Sally Partington and Laura Morse (Co-Secretary)